ATELIER MATCHA is a matcha cafe located in Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Tokyo. Established by the longstanding Kyoto tea merchant Yamamasa Koyamaen, which has a history of 160 years, the cafe opened in 2021. It offers an opportunity to casually enjoy authentic matcha in a casual setting.
The matcha used in the cafe is a ceremonial-grade matcha sold by Yamamasa Koyamaen for tea ceremonies and used in traditional tea parties. The cafe serves original matcha drinks and matcha sweets that luxuriously incorporate this high-quality matcha.
The menu, named “Gochisou Matcha Drink,” presents visually and tastefully innovative matcha drinks. Items such as “Matcha Warabi Mochi Shiruko,” “Matcha Gorgonzola,” and “Matcha Affogato” feature a creative fusion of matcha with various ingredients.
For those who want to savor the essence of matcha directly, the “Matcha Shot” is recommended, offering the enjoyment of matcha in a manner similar to espresso. It’s a perfect choice to fully experience the allure of Yamamasa Koyamaen’s matcha.
The matcha sweets selection includes a variety of offerings such as the patissier Toshiyoroizuka’s collection “Ultimate Matcha Terrine,” tiramisu, chocolate, and tarts. Experience the new world of matcha curated by a well-established name from Kyoto.
Store Information
Address: 1-5-8 Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3667-7277
Opening hours: 11am-6pm
Closed on Tuesdays
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